Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Whackadoodle Times

I'm so happy to announce the publication of Whackadoodle Times, one of my favorite novels. (No, I can't say it's my favorite ever because there's my gal Butch and Church of the Old Mermaids and The Fish Wife and...Well, you get the idea.) But I do love this book. I loved writing it and I loved reading it again and again. It's funny; it makes me laugh. I also cry every time I read it. It's honest and irreverent, poignant and impertinent. (It's also sexually explicit in some scenes.)

Anyway, I love this book. It's about love and loss and movies and the apocalypses we create--intentionally and unintentionally--in our lives and our world.

(By the way, the cover is much more vibrant in "real" life and on the e-reader. I can't figure out why it's not copying well on any of my websites.)

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Whackadoodle Times

Some of my favorite novels are now being published, and I am so happy. I love, love, love Butch and now Whackadoodle Times has arrived, on its own tattered red carpet. I loved writing this book. Brooke McMurphy, the main character (and narrator), is naughty and not nice, and I love her. She's got her own reasons for every crappy (and wonderful) thing she does. To me, she's the greatest kind of hera: all screwed up but trying to do the best she can. She's in la-la land, after all; things are not always what they seem to be.

(By the way, like some of my other novels, this one is sexually explicit in places. It is an adult book, for adults. It is funny in places, too, so you might laugh out loud, so be forewarned.)

You can get the book for your e-reader or in print. Have fun!

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All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.