Tuesday, August 1, 2017

15 Tales by Mario Milosevic

Mario Milosevic's new short story collection, 15 Strange Tales of Crime and Mystery, is chock-full of his brilliant, weird, quirky, mysterious work. Some of these stories have been published before—notably some from Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine—and some are brand new. And the cover photograph is by me. (In fact, my Facebook peeps recommended I use that photo for a cover when they first saw it last year. And now we have!) I hope you'll check it out.

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The Salmon Mysteries Workbook

Yay, yay, yay! I've put together a workbook for The Salmon Mysteries. We created a place where you can write, draw, collage while celebrating the Mysteries. We're going to create a Facebook private group so together we can participate virtually as well as...non-virtually. If you're on Facebook and want to participate, watch for my announcement about it. In the meanwhile, you can go here to purchase The Salmon Mysteries Workbook and here to find a little more about it.

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All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.