Thursday, November 20, 2008

Church of the Old Mermaids is NOW Available!

IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! You can now buy Church of the Old Mermaids on Let's prove to everyone that books of beauty have a place in the publishing world. Remember I was told that "your books are beautiful and meaningful and people don't won't buy those kinds of books and you will never make a living." I want to prove that statement wrong for every person who just loves a good beautiful story!

And it is a good story and they're great characters. The best publicity any author can have is word of mouth. So spread the word! And all of you who have offered to be part of the Old Mermaids Tour, thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful. I will get back with you as soon as I have an idea about when it can all happen. Later on, I'll figure out some kind of deal for book groups, maybe buying multiple copies through me. But first I wanted to get the word out! Also, I'm building the Church of the Old Mermaids page on my website. Go there and wander about. Love, love, love!


Kim Antieau said...

I love my Sister (and Brother) Mermaids. Within minutes of me making the COTOM announcement, Emma Bull put a post up on her livejournal and Cate put a review up on! (I have such amazing goddessmothers. :-) I love word of mouth. And I am crossing all my fingers and tails that this little experiment works.

Kim Antieau said...

And Mario, too! He did a marvey post. Thank you, thank you.

All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.