Friday, January 16, 2009

Twiddling, Facing, & Leaving

Yes, I've joined Twitter. It's a strange place where you tell everyone what you're doing in 140 words or less. (You can see what I'm doing on the right-hand side of this blog.) We'll see how long it lasts. Kind of fun right now. I've also joined Facebook. I'm not sure what that will mean. I'll keep you posted. On the fun side, I'm leaving copies of Church of the Old Mermaids along our trail. I left one in Valencia today. Tomorrow I'll find someplace to leave a copy in Santa Cruz. I'll even tell you, once I decide, in case you live here so you can go find it. I want to leave them all over the country and see what happens. Fun, eh?


unm00red said...

For some reason, the thought of you pollinating the U.S. with copies of The Church of Old Mermaids amuses me to no end.

Anonymous said...

Found your copy in Santa Cruz. Wonderful idea.

Kim Antieau said...

It is fun, isn't it?

I'm so glad someone found the book in Santa Cruz. Keep in touch!

kerrdelune said...

I love the idea tucking copies of that amazing book here and there on your travels, Kim. Think of what a wonderful surprise it will be for the finders and what a fine reading experience they are in for! Brilliant...

All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.