Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Internet Explorer Problems

Hello! So some of you have been having trouble with the website if you use Internet Explorer. Sorry about that. I don't use IE, so I didn't see it and when I checked it on the old IE, which is the only one you can use on a Mac, it looked fine. But we went someplace and looked at it with the latest Internet Explorer and saw what you were seeing, so we're hoping it's fixed. We don't see the things on Jane's post that some of you are seeing even when we get into the HTML, so we're confused.

By the way, I would suggest you try other browsers than IE if you can stand it. I like Camino, Firefox, or Safari much better than Internet Explorer. But if you do keep IE and you see problems with the website, let me know, because otherwise I won't know. Hope that makes sense. That was always true with Furious Spinner, too.

May You Surf With Beauty!


Anonymous said...

I got it, Kim!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kim,
I saw the ???? in Jane's post and I'm using Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I hit send before I checked to see if your fixes worked. It looks fine now in Firefox too.

Kim Antieau said...

Very strange because I have Firefox and it looks perfect! Let's hope the Jane problems are an anomaly.

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing everything fine and I recently went back to IE 7 after have problems w/ FF timing out. I may try another browser at some point. Have a lovely 10 days away and enjoy the little break.

All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.