Thursday, December 18, 2008

COTOM at Antigone Books!

Those of you who have read Church of the Old Mermaids (or even if you've read the first chapter on my blog) know that Antigone Books is where Myla Alvarez sets up her Church of the Old Mermaids table; there in front of the store, she tells stories about items she's found in the wash at the Old Mermaids Sanctuary.

Antigone Books is a real (and wonderful) bookstore here in Tucson on 4th Avenue. As of today, Antigone Books is selling signed copies of Church of the Old Mermaids! So if you live in the area, go on down and get yourself one. And even if you don't live in the area, they do mail order. COTOM is not up on their website yet, but you can always call. (They've got all my other books on their website.) I love this bookstore and am very happy to do what I can do to support it.

There is something so delicious about setting part of my novel outside this bookstore and now this bookstore is selling my novel. There's a word for that, but I can't think of what it is, so I'm saying it's delicious! Scrumptious. Wonderful! It's just all so meta.

After we dropped off the signed COTOMs at Antigone's, we walked down the block to Maya Quetzal for dinner and to give Sandra Sanchez, the owner of the restaurant, a signed copy of the book. Mario and I love this place and we admire Sandra and what's she's done with her life. Maya Quetzal also figures in the novel. We had a delicious meal, as always, and we felt like we were home with friends. (In COTOM, Myla and George have dinner at Maya Quetzal and I seem to remember they discuss their sex life. Or something like.)

Now we're back at the Old Mermaid Sanctuary. Ahhhhh!

May You Dance in Beauty!


Anonymous said...

When one wash closes, a new wash opens. Or something like that.

I would love to be eating at Maya Quetzal, wandering the desert, and picking up treasures in Antigone bookstore.

Second best is for you to be doing it. :)

unm00red said...

Kim, I'm a fan of COTOM and I have to say it's a little eerie how many things I seem to have in common with you. I went to MSU and attended Clarion a decade after you did. Until last year, I lived in Tucson. Now I'm renovating a floating home on the Columbia River just outside of Gresham.

If you haven't already found them, I encourage you to check out the Center for Sacred Feminine while you're in AZ. I suspect that group of ladies might be right up your alley. :)

They meet twice a month on Thursday nights and also do playshops. There's a lot of overlap between them and the Desert Crones, who I suspect you'd also click with.

Thank you for your lovely writing.

Kim Antieau said...

I love that: when one wash closes, a new wash opens. ;-D As a matter of fact, I did find another wash yesterday. It's a bit of a walk but it's gorgeous. I'll try to take pics today.

unm00red: Wow. That is a lot of coincidence. I shall check out the center. Thanks!

Kim Antieau said...

And the Desert Crones--I'll try to find them. Somehow I missed that the first time I read that comment! Thanks!

unm00red said...

The Desert Crones usually announce their meetings in the Tucson Weekly. They are a very neat group of women. (In fact, they inspired a current writing project of mine.)

Enjoy your time in the desert. I miss her dearly.

All work copyright © Kim Antieau 2008-.